Sunday 11 April 2010

From Plot to Plate: Rhubarb Fool

Rhubarb Fool
Originally uploaded by looopeeelisa
This will make 2-3 good sized servings.

6 stalks of rhubarb, washed & trimmed to 2inch fingers
2 tbsp caster sugar
2-3 tbsp dessert wine
3 tbsp water
100ml double cream
2 tbsp icing sugar

Put the rhubarb, caster sugar, wine and water in a pan and simmer gently until the rhubarb is soft (test with a knife). When it's done remove from the heat, put the rhubarb pieces in a bowl & put the cooking juice to one side and leave to cool. Then, put the cream and icing sugar in a bowl and whisk until the cream is stiff. Once the rhubarb has cooled, carefully put it into the cream and fold in. Put into into little glass dishes, and chill for about an hour.

I've made a biscuit base (digestives & butter), and plopped the rhubarb fool on top. Looks scrummy doesn't it?


  1. mmm, very nice. Just the right mix of sweet and sharp. Would be easier to eat if the rhubarb was cut a bit smaller though!

  2. Remember Box Car Willie? Well, you can get cream for that these days.
